My mind is quite the perfect mess,
With my thoughts and conscience playing chess,
Teasing each other, reaching, taunting,
Those nightmares at night always haunting,
Now have come out to play in the day,
Such a small world, does my brain say.
In the morning when the sun rays come through,
I can see the skies, so clear and beautifully blue,
But my mind has wandered off, left me in a daze,
Should it be an easy path, and yet, it feels like a maze,
The dreadful moments that come with the dawn,
Jumping all over, untamed, like a white fawn.
Without a doubt, do I know that this path I must walk,
They say, it is the action deserved to support the talk,
Am I ready to face my demons, and the angels as well?
One is quiet as a spring pool, one is loud like a dinging bell,
Somehow, some way, should all come to balance,
One part gratification, and the other my penance.
Lead me right, do not nip my budding hope,
For I am hanging frail by a string of the rope,
Be gentle on my frail body, for it can easily break,
From my worrisome heart, the doubt you can take,
For with it my vision is quite blurred,
And my heart is leaking slowly with blood.
Touch my mind and calm my thoughts.
For every time that I have cast my lots,
I come up empty-handed, and the night wins,
Taunting me with sharp pricks of pins,
And yet, my hand keeps drawing back to the table,
It is quite an interesting fable.
~R. Prince 👑

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